Michael Akbar - Business Advisor


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Helping Business Owners
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Helping business owners achieve

Whether you are just starting a business or want to add more value to your existing business, it is well accepted that, even in the best of times, a business owner sits in one of the toughest and loneliest positions in business. We are not in the best of times. In fact we have entered an “economic winter” that may last until 2025a.

  • Is your business equipped to survive this winter? Better yet,
  • Are you positioned to thrive? – Some clients are having their best year ever!

Michael Akbar, founder of Syntony, believes the following are the keys in helping you expedite your successTM:

  • Every Olympic champion has a coach, helping to set and achieve higher goals. In business it helps if the coach is old enough to have “been there – seen it – done it” & survived to tell the tale.
  • A large-company CEO can pick up the phone and ask board members for help. Small businesses do not have a board of directors or anyone else they can rely on for independent and unbiased advice. A selection of Michael Akbar’s 4,500 executive associates fills that gapb.
  • Running a successful business requires access to a variety of expertise, hands-on help, which small businesses can not afford. Michael Akbar has the authority to nominate qualified companies to get that kind of support through Business Support Programc.
  • What sets our Accredited Associates apart is that each has held senior executive positions in business, has passed stringet selection, due diligence, and accreditation process, to ensure consistency, reliability and ultimately growth and profitability of your business.
  • Executive experience and Accreditation combined, as senior executive associates of IIB we are built for this “winter” and we are here to help you thrive.

Could you benefit from a confidential discussion with another successful business executive? If you are facing some frustration or just trying to achieve the potential you know your business has, then perhaps we should talk. Call 301-706-2945 or e-mail us today to make an appointment. At the end of this Free Advisory Session with Michael Akbar you will have a set of strategies specific to your business that will add value to your business and help you achieve your goals. If you are still wondering whether your business qualifies, read the questions under “is this for me?“.

a- Extensive research in to the history of business over the past 400 years strongly suggests that there are consistent and recurring economic “seasons” each lasting on average 20-25 years.
b- It may appear that items 1 and 2 are the same, but coaching, advising, and mentoring are distinct. Michael and his Executive Associates, having on average quarter of a century experience, can determine the appropriate approach for each situation.
c- Hundreds of businesses in Montgomery County MD, DC, and Northern Virginia have used the BSP in these areas: public or private funding and grants, Competitive intelligence, Increasing sales and profits, Management, Audit, Reducing debt, Exit strategies, Merger and Acquisition, Developing new markets, Financial management, Government rules and regulations, Human resources, operational efficiencies, Joint venture, Franchising, Sourcing, Purchasing another business, Government Contracting, SBA and other Commercial Loans, Technology management, and helping you reach the 7th Stage of Business Success.
TM- “Expedite Your Success” and Syntony are registered trademarks of Michael Akbar and Syntony Business Advisors, LLC.